Forum > Download Skyscraper Simulator

Custom downloads


I have a new server in the Chicago area hosting the website's custom downloads section (it's a separate server so I can save money on bandwidth costs, the main 2 servers are on AWS).  I was wanting to make something where users could post their custom buildings and content data, even Integration Projects and stuff to it, but for now if you want anything on it, just contact me and I'll post what you have.

The site is

I'm planning on putting up more screenshots and download links.  If you click on "All Downloads" you can see all the ones available.

I was wanting something like the Rigs of Rods website, where they have a modified forum that is specifically a download gallery, I'll try to look into that and see if I can put together something like theirs.

Lately there's been a lot of downloads of Skyscraper and the custom content on the website, that's why the bandwidth cost was going up.  In January the site had around 200gb of downloads.  I might be able to post links to those statistics pages if you'd like.

Here's the site statistics pages if you're interested.

Main Website (AWS N. Virginia)

Mirror (AWS London)

Custom Downloads (Chicago)


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