One of the several changes being implemented includes opening the forum to the public. In the past these pages were restricted to members only for copyright protection. Restricting content to members only is no longer needed or effective for various reasons. For starters, most of the integration projects are now uploaded to
http://custom.skyscrapersim.net which is unrestricted access to the public. The other reason is the sad truth that there is barely any new content to protect copyright to begin with. This policy is no longer protecting anything, as it only serves as a roadblock for viewing updates for projects.
The purpose of this change is to reduce the number of registrations. It may seem counterintuitive, but hear me out!

Rather than increasing the quantity of registrations, this forum seeks to increase the quality of registrations. Members that are genuinely willing to positively contribute to the community are always welcome!

With the elimination of the registration requirement to view the boards, the number of registrations will drop. This discourages troublemakers and those negatively contributing to this forum in any way. These changes will help improve the visibility and accessibility of this project. The requirement to create an account is not an effective deterrent for immature or inappropriate behavior. With the reduced need to create an account, it is far less likely that these incidents will occur.